lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

Class: Wednesday, 9th January 2013

Unit 3C: If at first you don’t succeed, …

Can-Do Objectives: Talk about ability and possibility

Pages: 44 and 45

Grammar: can, could, be able to, sentence stress, tense review

Vocabulary: Abilities and leisure activities

Homework: Workbook pg. 30 and Course book reading pg. 47

Remember: Start thinking about the topic for your Written Project.
Also, as per your request, here are additional writing topics:

  • My daily eating habits
  • A brief biography of someone you admire
  • My plans for summer 2013
  • Describe a family member
  • Things I have never done
  • My favourite restaurant
  • The day I found out there was no Santa Claus
  • What I plan to do after I finish my degree
  • Describe the typical Spanish family
  • My spending habits

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