miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

Class: Wednesday, 20th February 2013

Unit 5A: Slow down, you move too fast

Can-Do Objectives: Talk about how much time is spent on different activities
                               Talk about what causes stress and how to relax

Pages: 68 and 69

Grammar: Quantifiers: a few, very few, a little, very little, too + adj., enough + noun, adj. + enough, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, not any, no + noun, much, many

Vocabulary: tough, guy, threaten, lack of, expectations, spend time, average, a quarter on an hour

Homework: Course book pg. 70 – 71 (Reading); pg. 139 ex. 5Ab; Workbook pg. 44 and 45

Useful Stuff
The other day one of your classmates told me that she was really having a hard time understanding the ‘listenings’ so I remembered that there is a wonderful site by the BBC with lots of great activities.
I recommend following Flatmates. It’s sort of like a soap opera.

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