miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

Class: Monday, 13th May 2013

Unit 7C: Switch it off

Can-Do Objectives: Use Phrasal Verbs

Pages: 110 - 111

Grammar: Phrasal Verbs

Vocabulary: Review

Homework: Course book – Reviews Unit 6 pg. 98 and 99; and, Unit 7 pg. 114 and 115.

Presentations: Thank you to Esther, Sara, Teresa, Andrea D, Pilar, Patri A., and Paloma for your great efforts. You were all very either fun or interesting.

Remember: Start reviewing for the final exam.

Also, Final Exam dates – The Written Exam will be on the 22nd May and the Oral Exam on the 27th May during class time. If you cannot make either dates, let me know as soon as possible.

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