lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Class: 27th October 2014
Unit 1B
Page: 10  

Grammar: Cleft Sentences

Vocabulary: launch, snatch, giggle, get into a flap
To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following link:
OR simply look them up in Google.

Homework: Course book – Read the pertinent Grammar Section on pg. 136; Workbook – pg. 6 ex.3; pg. 7 ex 4

Extras if you have time:

Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Official Trailer [1956]

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1978) - Trailer

3 comentarios:

  1. This morning, I checked the spanish translate of the title. Indeed, the film was called "La invasión de los ultracuerpos"!

    1. "La invasión de los ladrones de Cuerpos" is the title in Spain of the first version. The second one was called here "La Invasión de los Ultracuerpos"

  2. And this is the link of Snatch (in the spanish versión: "Snatch, cerdos y diamantes"):
