lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Class: Monday, 20th May 2013

Can-Do Objectives: Self evaluate

Grammar: Review

Vocabulary: Review

Homework: Study for the exam

Presentations: Thank you to Jacob, Raquel, Joaquin, Jorge, JuanMi, Marina, and Adolfo. Good job!

Also, Final Exam dates – The Written Exam will be on the 22nd May and the Oral Exam on the 27th May during class time. If you cannot make either dates, let me know as soon as possible.

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

Class: Monday, 13th May 2013

Unit 7C: Switch it off

Can-Do Objectives: Use Phrasal Verbs

Pages: 110 - 111

Grammar: Phrasal Verbs

Vocabulary: Review

Homework: Course book – Reviews Unit 6 pg. 98 and 99; and, Unit 7 pg. 114 and 115.

Presentations: Thank you to Esther, Sara, Teresa, Andrea D, Pilar, Patri A., and Paloma for your great efforts. You were all very either fun or interesting.

Remember: Start reviewing for the final exam.

Also, Final Exam dates – The Written Exam will be on the 22nd May and the Oral Exam on the 27th May during class time. If you cannot make either dates, let me know as soon as possible.

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Class: Monday, 8th May 2013

Unit 7C: Switch it off

Pages: 110

Grammar: Revision of sounds; phrasal verbs

Vocabulary: Review phrasal verbs from previous units

Homework: Course book – Reading, pg. 109; Reading, pg. 111, ex a – e

Remember: Be ready to present your portfolio with all your corrected written work on Monday the 20th.

Presentations: Thank you to Patricia and Cristina for their excellent work. I can’t wait to see the rest of your Oral Projects.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Class: Monday, 6th May 2013

Unit 7B: Murder Mysteries

Can-Do Objectives: Use indirect questions to be polite

Pages: 106 - 107

Grammar: Indirect questions

Vocabulary: Review phrasal verbs from previous units

Homework: Workbook pg. 66 - 69; Course book pg. 143 ex 7B ex b.

Remember: Start reviewing for the final exam.

Also, Final Exam dates – The Written Exam will be on the 22nd May and the Oral Exam on the 27th May during class time. If you cannot make either dates, let me know as soon as possible.

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Class: Monday, 29th April 2013

Unit 7B: Murder Mysteries

Can-Do Objectives: Use question tags to ask polite questions

Pages: 103 - 105

Grammar: Question tags

Vocabulary: DNA, chat show, soap opera, drama series

Homework: Workbook pg. 64 - 65; Course book pg. 143 ex 7A a & c, 7B ex a.

Remember: Send mean e-mail telling me when you want to do the oral presentation and if you need a laptop and projector.

Another video: Many movies have been made about Jack the Ripper. Here is the trailer to one of them.

Johnny Depp – From Hell

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Class: Wednesday, 24th April 2013

Unit 7A: Can we make our own luck?

Can-Do Objectives: Talk about if things had gone differently

Pages: 100 and 101

Grammar: Third conditional

Vocabulary: pain, fiancé

Homework: Workbook pg. 60 and 61; Course book pg. 102 Reading ex a – c; How Words Work pg. 103

Remember: Send mean e-mail telling me when you want to do the oral presentation and if you need a laptop and projector.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Class: Monday, 22nd April 2013

Unit 6C: I need a hero

Can-Do Objectives: Talk about a person who you admire

Pages: 92 - 95

Grammar: Relative clauses – defining and non-defining

Vocabulary: demanding, masterpiece

Homework: Course book – Reading pg. 94 – 95 ex a – d; pg. 141 ex 6C a

Remember: Final Exam dates – The Written Exam will be on the 22nd May and the Oral Exam on the 27th May during class time. If you cannot make either dates, let me know as soon as possible.

For extra review check out the CSIM blog:

Inspirational Quotes from People I Admire

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Class: Wednesday, 17th April 2013

Unit 6B: See the film… get on a plane

Can-Do Objectives: Talk about movies
                               Describe a film

Pages: 90 and 91

Grammar: Passives

Vocabulary: crew, to dub, interpreter, translator, plot

Homework: Workbook pg. 54 – 59

Thank you Mely for your great presentation. Kimba is quite cute.

Here is the official trailer for the movie Schindler’s List

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Class: Monday, 15th April 2013

Unit 6B: See the film… get on a plane

Can-Do Objectives: Talk about movies

Pages: 88 and 89

Grammar: Passives

Vocabulary: guarantee, warranty, shopping cart, cash register, drama, fantasy, breathtaking

Homework: Course book pg. 141 ex 6B a and b; pg. 154 Vocabulary Bank;

Remember: Send me an e-mail with the date and approximate length of your oral presentation. Also, let me know if you need to make use of a projector or a computer.

Top 15 Coolest Movie Quotes

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Class: Wednesday, 10th April 2013

Unit 6A: Love in the Supermarket

Can-Do Objectives: Talk about shopping habits
                              Talk about complaining in a shop or restaurant

Pages: 85 and 87

Grammar: Reported statements, questions and commands

Vocabulary: newsagent’s, sales, bargain, queue

Homework: Course book pg. 141 ex 6A a and b; pg. 153 Vocabulary Bank; pg. 86 Reading ex a – e.

Video - Shopping Online: Security Tips, Rules and Advice

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Class: Monday, 8th April 2013

Unit 5C/6A: Job Swap/Love in the Supermarket

Can-Do Objectives: Talk abot the job you would(n’t) like to have

Pages: 78 and 79, 84

Grammar: Gerunds and Infinitives

Vocabulary: challenge, stuntman, washing powder, salesman, Labour party, MP, to queue, to pretend, to hope, to wait, to expect

Homework: Course book pg. 82 and 83

Remember: Your projects! Also, next class will be the last class we have to stay an extra 15 minutes.

A song with lyrics:
The Great Pretender

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Class: Wednesday, 3rd April 2013

Unit 5C: Job Swap

Can-Do Objectives: Talk about what you enjoy/prefer/regret doing

Pages: 77

Grammar: Gerunds and Infinitives

Vocabulary: Work related and regret, improvise, run, gap

Homework: Course book – Reading pg. 78; pg. 139 ex 5C a and b; Workbook pg. 52; Oral Project

Remember: Class will end 15 minutes later. Draft of Written Project is due. Oral Project topic/outline due.

Here is a brief video about what not to do at a job interview:

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

Class: Wednesday, 20th March 2013

Unit 4: Review

Can-Do Objectives:  Talk about education
                               Describe homes
                               Talk about friends

Pages: 66 and 67

Grammar: Conditionals, used to

Vocabulary: Education and Homes

Homework: Workbook pg. 50 and 51; work on Oral Project

Remember: Our first class after the holiday will be on the 3rd of April. We will start 15 minutes early.

jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Class: Wednesday, 13th March 2013

Unit 5B/C: Job swap

Can-Do Objectives: Generalize about men and women’s habits
                               Talk about work

Pages: 74, 75 and 76

Grammar: Prepositions after verbs and adjectives

Vocabulary: smooth, sticky, polish, cleansing, facial, swap, apply for, get promoted, to be sacked

Homework: Workbook pg. 49; write composition from the latest blog list; hand in draft of Written Project.

Remember: NO CLASS on Monday, 18th March!

12 top tips for successful Interviews

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Class: Monday, 11th March 2013

Exam results: I’ll be correcting your exams as fast as I can. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get them all done before you go on holiday but be patient.

Homework: Work on your Writing Project so that you can turn the draft in before the Easter holidays. Also, you should be telling me what your Oral Project (Topic) is going to be about by the 20th of March.

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

Class: Wednesday, 6th March 2013

Unit 3: Review

Can-Do Objectives: Describe a person’s personality and physically
                              Talk about money, manners, food
 Talk about obligations
 Make deductions
 Compare forms of transport
 Talk about your habits

Pages: 50 and 51

Grammar: Grammar Banks for Units 1 – 3

Vocabulary: Vocabulary Banks –
from Food and restaurants to Describing People

Homework: Study for Monday’s Exam on Units 1 – 3. E-mail me about any doubts you might have.
Remember Calendar stuff: Starting on the 11th of March we will end class 15 minutes later, at 18:15, to make up for my absence. (Sorry.) We will do so for 6 classes: 11th, 13th, 20th March and 3rd, 8th, and 10th April. No class on the 18th March (San Jose). No class from the 22nd March to 1st April both dates included, (Easter).

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

Class: Monday, 4th March 2013

Unit 5B: Same planet, different worlds

Can-Do Objectives: Generalize about men and women

Pages: 72 and 73

Grammar: a/an, the, no article; review of future time clauses

Vocabulary: bed sheets, to suit, whereas, however, on the other hand

Homework: Workbook pg 48; Course book pg. 73 Reading and pg. 152 Vocabulary bank - Work

Remember: By now you should have a better idea about the topic for your Written Project. I’m sending in an e-mail, again, with the Project Organizer. Don’t forget that we will have an ‘exam’ for units 1-4 on the 11th of March.

Also, here are additional writing topics related to units 4 and 5:

High school vs. university: a comparison
The subject I hated the most in high school and why
What a good teacher should do
Why I chose to do the degree I’m doing
If I were rich, I would...
If I were a man/woman, I would...
My ideal home
My ideal partner
What makes a good friend
Things I used to do when I was 5 but now I don’t

You can turn in compositions at any time. You know I will correct anything you want me to.

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Class: Monday, 25th February 2013

Unit 5A: Slow down, you move too fast

Can-Do Objectives: Talk about how much time is spent on different activities
                              Discuss, agree or disagree with proposals for your city

Pages: 70, 71 and 72

Grammar: Review quantifiers; articles; pronunciation of THE

Vocabulary: Noun formation

Homework: Workbook pg. 46 and 47

Stuff: For the pronunciation of the schaw see the following video at the link below. 

miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

Class: Wednesday, 20th February 2013

Unit 5A: Slow down, you move too fast

Can-Do Objectives: Talk about how much time is spent on different activities
                               Talk about what causes stress and how to relax

Pages: 68 and 69

Grammar: Quantifiers: a few, very few, a little, very little, too + adj., enough + noun, adj. + enough, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, not any, no + noun, much, many

Vocabulary: tough, guy, threaten, lack of, expectations, spend time, average, a quarter on an hour

Homework: Course book pg. 70 – 71 (Reading); pg. 139 ex. 5Ab; Workbook pg. 44 and 45

Useful Stuff
The other day one of your classmates told me that she was really having a hard time understanding the ‘listenings’ so I remembered that there is a wonderful site by the BBC with lots of great activities.
I recommend following Flatmates. It’s sort of like a soap opera.

martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Class: Monday, 18th February 2013

Unit 4C: Still Friends?

Can-Do Objectives: Talk about things one used to do
                              Talk about friendship
Pages: 61 and 63

Grammar: Used to; Pronunciation /s/ vs. /z/

Vocabulary: Expression with GET; review of Describing people

Homework: Workbook pg. 42 and Course book pg. 62 (Reading)

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

Class: Wednesday, 13th February 2013

Unit 4C: Still Friends?

Can-Do Objectives: Talk about friendships
                              Talk about what you used to do or be like
Pages: 60 and 61

Grammar: Usually and Used to

Vocabulary: Friendship - acquaintance, buddy, pal, mate, BFF, KIT, to discuss, to argue, to have an argument, to have a row, once in a blue moon

Homework: Workbook pg. 38-41

Remember: You can do additional review of grammar in the booklet that came with your textbook.