martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015

Remember: Progress Tests 1 on the 9th and the 11th December

Group: Monday, 30th November; Wednesday, 2nd December;
Friday, 4th December
Unit 2C: Spoilt for choice
Pages:  24 - 25
Please review by looking at previous blog posts.

Vocabulary: crummy, lousy, cheesy, hustle and bustle, dwell(er), stunning, courtyard, to sear, to bump into, strewn, snow-clad, wind(ing), to boast

To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following links:
OR simply look them up in Google.
For Synonyms and Antonyms:

Homework: – Finish up any exercises you have not done. You have the Key.

Extras, if you have time
Below is the link to a blog about China of one of my colleagues. I hope you are curious.

The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: Crash Course World History #9

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Group: Friday, 21st November 2015
Unit 2A / 2B: Exceptional people / Memorable places
Pages: 18 - 21


Relative clauses with prepositions
List of verbs followed by prepositions

Vocabulary: aftercare, to unnerve, outlet, nothing to write home about, hit home, to carve, tea, to pop, for the sake, to indulge
To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following links:
OR simply look them up in Google.

Homework: Workbook – pg. 9 – 10; pg. 56 (ALL! Including composition)

Extras, if you have time:
TED Talk

Wendy Chung: Autism — what we know (and what we don’t know yet)

Meet Your Master: Getting to Know Your Brain - Crash Course Psychology #4

I Left My Heart In San Francisco by Tony Bennett (Subtitled)

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

Group: Monday 16th / Wednesday 18th 2015
Unit 1C / 2A: Favourite Sayings / Exceptional people
Pages: 15 - 20


About which is to say:
Relative clauses with prepositions
List of verbs followed by prepositions

Vocabulary: to bluff, to shroud, to conceal, to outgrow, to warp, feat, trade, storm off, musical score, aftercare, haemorrhage, moron, utterly, vividly
To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following links:
OR simply look them up in Google.
Saying and idioms
Intensifying adverbs
Homework: Workbook – pg. 8; pg. 57; pg. 54 -56 (ALL! Including composition)

Extras, if you have time:

TED Talks

Arthur Benjamin: A performance of "Mathemagic"

Inside The Mind Of Jaxon Cota An 11-Year-Old Kid Genius | NBC Nightly News

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

Group: Friday, 13th November 2015
Unit 1C / 2A: Favourite Sayings / Exceptional people
Pages: 14 -17

Grammar: Explaining and paraphrasing

About which is to say
Linking expressions

Vocabulary: piglet, butcher’s, spicy, mild, joint venture, bluff, to be fired, to be laid off, to be made redundant, roadwork, to crumble, crumby, to shroud, to warp, to trade, insight, coalesce

To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following links:
OR simply look them up in Google.
Saying and idioms

Homework: Workbook – pg. 8; pg. 57; pg. 54 -55

Extras, if you have time:

Ted Talks

Neil Harbisson: I listen to color

Daniel Tammet: Different ways of Knowing

Russell speaks to real life superhero Jess Thom

What color is Tuesday? Exploring synesthesia - Richard E. Cytowic

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

Group: Wednesday, 11th November 2015
Unit1C: Favourite sayings
Pages: 13 -14


Cleft Sentences
Connecting words

Vocabulary: to venture, to engage, molehill, coup
To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following links:
OR simply look them up in Google.
Saying and idioms

Homework: Finish the worksheet handed out in class (ex b and c); Workbook – pg. 8 ex. 1a &b; pg. 57

Extras, if you have time:

The Last Word

Learn English with 5 Jokes

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

Group: Friday, 6th November 2015
Unit 1B: Friends – the new family
Pages: 10 – 13


Cleft Sentences

Vocabulary: water cooler, awash, nurture, wavelength, at arm’s length, amid, acquaintance, drift loose, at a glance, to blame
To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following links:
OR simply look them up in Google.

Online Collocation Dictionary

Homework: Workbook – pg. 6 & 7

Extras, if you have time:
TED Talks

Juan Enriquez: Your online life, permanent as a tattoo

Renny Gleeson: Our antisocial phone tricks

Rita Hayworth- Gilda "Put The Blame On Mame"(subtitulos en español)

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

Group: Monday 2nd / Wednesday 4th October
Unit 1B: Friends – the new family
Pages: 10 - 12


Cleft Sentences

Vocabulary: indicator light, to amuse, water-cooler, awash, poll, wavelength, arm’s length, insight, nurture, clumsy, shallow, to friend, loose, garment, appalling, household, random
To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following links:
OR simply look them up in Google.

Online Collocation Dictionary

 Homework: Workbook – pg. 6 & 7

Extras, if you have time:
TED Talk

Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone?

The Guardian
Your phone is seducing you and you are paying the price

George Carlin - I Like People

sábado, 31 de octubre de 2015

Class: Friday, 30th October
Unit 1B: Friends – the new family
Pages: 8 - 10


Past Simple vs. Present Perfect

Cleft Sentences

Vocabulary: burden, bottle up, inedible, by and large, booby trap
To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following link:
OR simply look them up in Google.

Online Collocation Dictionary

Homework: Try to do Workbook pg. 7 ex. 4

Extras, if you have time:

BBC Documentary Secrets of Selfridges 

The Rolling Stones - Beast of Burden ("Some Girls, Live in Texas '78")

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Monday 26th / Wednesday 28th October
Unit 1: Friends – the new family
Pages: 8 - 10

Grammar: Time expressions with Present Perfect and Past Simple

Vocabulary: cater, whim, broadly, burden, confide
To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following link:
OR simply look them up in Google.

Homework:  Please watch a least one of the TED Talks I have posted so far.

Extras if you have time:

TED Talks

Meaghan Ramsey: Why thinking you're ugly is bad for you

Laura Trice: Remember to say thank you

George Carlin – Self- help books

sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015

Week: 19th – 24th October
Unit 1A: Making a good impression
Pages: 6 – 8


Past Simple vs. Present Perfect

Time expressions with Present Perfect and Past Simple

Vocabulary: to behold, lenient, goatee, self-conscious, self-aware, self-confident, eye-catching, butt in, overhear, witter, grumble, eavesdrop, bicker, chat up, conceited
To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following link:
OR simply look them up in Google.

Homework: Workbook – pg. 4 &5

Extras, if you have time:

Cameron Russell: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model.

Dale Carnegie – Quotes

How to Make a Good First Impression | Good Manners

sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Class: 4th / 6th May 2015

Grammar Review:

Relative clause with preposition
Participle clauses

Vocabulary: catwalk, impoliteness, plagiarise, to sack, to make redundant, to dismiss, to let go
To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following link:
OR simply look them up in Google.
Online Oxford Collocation Dictionary

Homework: Catch up with any homework you have not had time to do.

Extras, if you have time:

TED Talks

Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work

Alice Goffman: How we're priming some kids for college — and others for prison

Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks