domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

Group: Friday, 6th November 2015
Unit 1B: Friends – the new family
Pages: 10 – 13


Cleft Sentences

Vocabulary: water cooler, awash, nurture, wavelength, at arm’s length, amid, acquaintance, drift loose, at a glance, to blame
To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following links:
OR simply look them up in Google.

Online Collocation Dictionary

Homework: Workbook – pg. 6 & 7

Extras, if you have time:
TED Talks

Juan Enriquez: Your online life, permanent as a tattoo

Renny Gleeson: Our antisocial phone tricks

Rita Hayworth- Gilda "Put The Blame On Mame"(subtitulos en español)

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