miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

Group: Monday 2nd / Wednesday 4th October
Unit 1B: Friends – the new family
Pages: 10 - 12


Cleft Sentences

Vocabulary: indicator light, to amuse, water-cooler, awash, poll, wavelength, arm’s length, insight, nurture, clumsy, shallow, to friend, loose, garment, appalling, household, random
To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following links:
OR simply look them up in Google.

Online Collocation Dictionary

 Homework: Workbook – pg. 6 & 7

Extras, if you have time:
TED Talk

Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone?

The Guardian
Your phone is seducing you and you are paying the price

George Carlin - I Like People

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