sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

Group: Friday, 13th November 2015
Unit 1C / 2A: Favourite Sayings / Exceptional people
Pages: 14 -17

Grammar: Explaining and paraphrasing

About which is to say
Linking expressions

Vocabulary: piglet, butcher’s, spicy, mild, joint venture, bluff, to be fired, to be laid off, to be made redundant, roadwork, to crumble, crumby, to shroud, to warp, to trade, insight, coalesce

To review definitions given in class and see further examples, click on the following links:
OR simply look them up in Google.
Saying and idioms

Homework: Workbook – pg. 8; pg. 57; pg. 54 -55

Extras, if you have time:

Ted Talks

Neil Harbisson: I listen to color

Daniel Tammet: Different ways of Knowing

Russell speaks to real life superhero Jess Thom

What color is Tuesday? Exploring synesthesia - Richard E. Cytowic

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